高效且吸引人的文案毫无疑问能够帮助我们在一堆的同行中脱颖而出。But在实际工作中, 我们会遇到几个常见的问题:
“英语不够好写不出”/ “英语还可以但写得不够地道/培训外包写手耗费大量时间/ 找第三方代运营被坑!
庆幸的是, 到了2023年: 出来了, 特别是升级到GPT-4后在文案撰写领域展现出了极大的潜力,有望成为外贸企业/个人的得力助手。这就是我为什么一直推荐大家用付费版本的原因:
用AI工具5分钟= 别人花10年努力考专八英语
“Craft a [type of text], to the and of your [ideal ]. data and to your and [ ] on your [/].”
”Your [/] that can solve the pain of your [ideal ]. a [type of text] that these and any , using and data to your .”
” a [type of text] that the value of your [/] to your [ideal ]. and data to the and the that your / can have on their life or .”
“Your [/] can evoke in your [ideal ]. a [type of text] that to make them feel [] and them to take [ ]. Use vivid and to make your more .”
” your with a clear and [type of text] that the and of your [/]. Use and data to make a case for why your [ideal ] make a , and a clear call-to- to .”
” a [type of text] that to the pain and needs of your [ideal ]. Show them how your [/] is the to their , using and data to any and [ ].”
” an – [type of text] that the of your [ideal ]. Use and data to them to take [ ], and such as or data to your .”
“Tell a story about your [/] and how it has their [goal]. Use and to make your [ideal ] feel more to your brand, and [ ] with a clear call-to-.”
” your [/] with a [type of text] that its and . Use and data to make a case for why your [ideal ] make a , and any your / may have.”
” a [type of text] that any or that your [ideal ] may have about your [/]. Use and data to their and the value of your /, [ ].”