你在使用chatgpt进行论文润色 ChatGPT论文润色操作指令,亲测好用!!

默认分类1年前 (2023)发布 admin
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1. the text into one and 5 to 10 :内容

2. write new with above as the main topic and as


text. any areas where the flow or could , and to the and tothe , only the text after and then give a list of in . the text:

I want you to act as an am going to you an and you me with 5 in for a paper and for why this title is good. as a table with and with head in . First gives in and in . text is the : 指令后面加上你文章的摘要


I want you to act as an , and . I will speak to you in any and you will the , it and in the and of my text, in . I want you to my A0-level words and with more and , upper level words and . Keep the same, but make them more . I want you to only reply the , the and else, do not write . My first is ” cok olmak cok guzel”


As a paper , your task is to , , , and of the text , down long , , and ns. only the of the text, with . the as a table, with each in a row. The is the , and the is the after third in . edit the text. 中文段落


Below is a from an paper. the to meet the style, the , , , and . When , the whole to . , list all and the to do so in table:



“内容” in a / way

1. 更正语法指令:Can you help me to the of the above ?

你在使用chatgpt进行论文润色 ChatGPT论文润色操作指令,亲测好用!!

2. 初级润色指令: and this “内容”

3. 初级润色指令(效果好): “内容” in a / way

4. 根据预投稿的期刊要求进行润色与改写: the above text to the xxxxx

5. 高级润色指令:

Step1: 引导1:

I’m going to give you some you to write an . Do you ?

Step2: 引导2:

When it comes to , two are , “” and “.” the of text. , the of . tend to write with , for , with some or ones. Al tend to be more . , when the I am going to ask you to , I need it to have a good of and . Do you ?

Step3: 重写指令:

using the , this with a high of and : ${内容}


and on the in the style of a – . Use and .


and on the in the style of an . Use and . Make sure the new is from the .


the in the style of .

你在使用chatgpt进行论文润色 ChatGPT论文润色操作指令,亲测好用!!

1. 论文

I am a paper on …

Could you talk about …

Could you more ?


总结论文 Could you the paper “Deep for Image ” ?


It is to live in since it has well , lots of , big , etc. , the food is not very . The seems not very . The price of the food is not with its taste.

Could you it?

Could you it in way?

2. 邮件


I am a phd . It is to pay for rent and daily with the . Could you help me to write an mail to my to ask for the ?

3. 考试

I am a TOEFL test. The is “How did you deal with the and ?”. Could you show an in about 200 words?

4. 代码

I am a for . Could you an code to ?

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