chatgpt雅思小作文打分 雅思作文评分标准及范文考官解析

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写作考试TASK 2,题目有两道,道是看图说明(A类)或者书信(G类),要求150字,20分钟;第二道是议论文或说明文(议论为主),要求250字,40分钟。




Range and


8 – Test 2

the way many with each other has of .

In what ways has the types of make?

Has this a or ?

chatgpt雅思小作文打分 雅思作文评分标准及范文考官解析


the way with each other has of .

Yes, the has the ’s in very . use to wait and try to find easy way to their or far. In past there was no quick to or to any one to . The with past was that it were very slow and were time such as , etc. used to to write their or to their love ones due to of . When it comes to level, the and be but, to that time there were no .

Now the have , from far their loves one in an easy and quick ways which the level two . the level of the to , has the are with high-tec which the . There are many many which are now such as , cards etc.

The has the which help to talk or to at any time in the world.

can their or any time they want. It has so and to be in touch with your , even with the .







chatgpt雅思小作文打分 雅思作文评分标准及范文考官解析



This is an by a who a Band 5.5 score. Here is the ’s :


The topic has been from the task and is from the word count. This the at 236 words, so the loses marks for this.


This both , but the first is not well in terms of how have . , there is a clear that the have been and have , with some ideas to this. There is a to the , with some use of time and . There is also some , . is not , and ideas are not well . A range of that is to the topic is used, some and . There are quite a lot of in word form, word or , but these do not . A of type is used, but not . in and are at times, but only cause for the .



,.(It is true that has ’s ways. 利用It is true that的句式突出后面的事件;和shift是同义词替换;the way 和 way是同义词替换。这样的变化可以避免引用题目中的原词。)

(拒绝非正式的用法。)The has the ’s in very . used(前后时态必须一致。)to wait and try to find easy ways(名词单复数)to their or far. In the past, there was no (词汇使用不当,应该改成) to or to any two . And(重要的连接词,表示本句和上一句共同解释为什么“人们一直在期待找到更有效的通讯方式。”)the ofthe past was that they (指代不清,这里指代的是 )were too (表示“太”。)slow and were time- (表示“费时”), (这是应该使用分词形式,表示对主句的 ways的具体描述。)the , the etc. Not only that,(这里需要连接词) used to be to write their or to their loved ones of ( of 强调“外因”;due to 强调“根据”) (根据上下文理解,此处应该表达的是“信息安全”)of . (They their might be or read by some .这里可以继续描述人们的担心。)

,(上文主要讨论过去的情况,而接下来将讨论现在的变化)now the have .(必须避免使用“,”连接两个句子。正确的处理方法是,要么采用断句的方法,要么添加连词。) in a long their one in ( and ) ways, which (主谓一致,which代替ways。)the level two . (用词重复)of the and (主谓之间不能添加“,”。)has been (这里使用被动是因为沟通质量的提升是因为技术的发展。) they are with high- which their . There are many(重复) such as , cards etc.So the has , which help to talk or keep in touch with each other at any time in the world.(不应该单独成段,应该和上一段结合在一起。)(本句应该被删除,因为没有提出任何新的观点,并且与上文的句子非常重复。)


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